That's just awesome and I an extremely thankful for all the views as well. I've just about met every goal I have set in the past two months. Been posting more consistently and along with reviewing for I've been posting reviews here.
So, big thanks again to Mike "The Movie Guy" Pierce for all the fun stuff I've had the opportunity to cover for him. Thanks for pushing me to write more, pushing me to talk more, keeping it real always and for all the constructive criticism that has helped me improve upon my writing style.
Haven't posted this up but soon there will be video for an interview I had the chance to do for "Despicable Me 2." Thanks to Jenny Fly Trevino, Jennifer Beccerra and H+M for the opportunity to do that. Thank you for all the opportunities, for all the screening invitations, for all the red carpet invites and all the press opportunities.
Thanks to Sergio Berruetta, Summer Gomez, Megan Perry and all who have been contributing on the Film-A-Week series which is originally posted on along with many other cool stuff. The series started late on my blog but has been part of the top five post of the week.
Thanks to Rocio Gutierrez and Lorena Medina from Digital girl for all the events, interviews and press releases they send my way to post up. Truly amazing people to be in contact with. has been called a diverse blog and attracts viewers from all over the world. The attraction and opportunity to post in Spanish has helped me practice my Spanish.
Thanks to Raul Beccerra from Universal Studios Hollywood who sends me press releases and invites to events at Universal. With many great opportunities offered to me by Raul, I have been able to attend exclusive events at Universal, post exclusive post and attend screening from Universal.
Thanks to Salomon Montes de Oca and Erika Bouso and the people at the WB who provide, and other sites/publications I contribute to, prizes for the contest, giveaways and sweepstakes hosted by Sal is a great contact who is an incredibly hard working person but somehow always has time to answer emails and chit chat about life.
Finally, of course, thanks to Laura Dickenson who puts up with me, I don't know how she does it, show her support for what I do and is always there for me. Thank you to her for allowing me to contribute to her artist site,, which displays her amazing artwork and gives recognition to other artist.
So a thanks to everyone who visits the site, reads my stories and enters my contest. From contributors to visitors every one of you make the hours upon hours if writing and checking emails worth it. So thank you to everyone once again.