Written by Jesus Figueroa
Although registration was a hassle and took an excessive amount of time, an interview with "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods" Goku voice actor Sean Schemmel and producer Justin Cook more than made up for it.
The film will have a limited theatrical release on August 5 through the 9.
"Dagon Ball Z: Battle of Gods" adds to the Dragon Ball universe after 17 years.
Schemmel said that this animated film is a great addition to the Dragon Ball universe and, unlike other Dragon Ball movies, this brand new original story is made more cinematic.
Prior films tend to feel more like a longer episode of the legendary show and tell an alternate story to that of episodes or fill in storyline for the show.
Cook said this film goes deeper into the established characters and gives them a new dimension. There was no hesitation to dub this film for the US market, there was more of an anticipation for the reaction from fans of the show and the new generation getting exposed to the Dragon Ball universe.
A full review of the film and a full write up of the discussion with Schemmel and Cook coming soon.