A visually sumptuous adventure about a mysterious man who emerges from the Argentinian rainforest to rescue a family from ruthless land-grabbers bent on stealing their farm, "Ardor" is written and directed by Pablo Fendrik (Blood Appears, The Mugger), and stars Gael GarcĂa Bernal (No, Motorcycle Diaries) and Alice Braga (I Am Legend, City of God) working together for the first time since their collaboration in Fernando Meirelles’ Blindness.
Ardor made its world premiere as an Official Selection at the Cannes Film Festival.
When fires sweep through the forest near their property along the Parana River, a tobacco-farming family goes on high alert. JoĂŁo suspects the fire is a result of slash-and-burn tactics by thugs intent on acquiring the farm he shares with his daughter, Vania, and her partner, Jara.
Help arrives in the form of KaĂ, an enigmatic stranger.
When the violence of the land-grabbers’ assault catches the family off guard, the men force JoĂŁo to sign over his farm and kidnap Vania. Undetected by the assailants, KaĂ goes on the offensive but with the hornet’s nest now stirred, KaĂ, Vania and Jara must decide how far they will go to preserve the farm and their vanishing way of life.
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