IA's hologram performance started later than expected, but the Wagakkiband which performed after was well worth the added wait on June 4 at Club Nokia in conjunction with Anime Expo 2015.
Wagakkiband may have started their performance late, but the rock performance was magnificent.
Song after song from the J-rock group brought loud cheers from the audience which was tired of standing for about three hours through a wait period, IA's glitchy performance and the short delay while the Wagakkiband set up on stage.
Still, the audience was jumping for joy, moving their light sticks along to the beat and yelling in excitement for the great performance.
Although, many of the audience members were there to see IA, the Wagakkiband drew in a large crowd which continued on with the high energy from IA's performance.
The eight-member group used the entire stage to engage the audience as several of the band members took center stage for solo performances.

The fusion of traditional Japanese musical instruments to modern rock songs showcased the Japanese culture.
The Wagakkiband's set was exciting from start to finish.
A diverse performance by hologram IA lifted the energy level in the room with several large performances which had the entire room roaring with excitement.
Along with the hologram IA, dancers took the stage as well as a live band to add more excitement to the already thrilling performance.
The performance was great as the live dancers and hologram were in sync through the start of the performance, but toward the end a glitch in the hologram took the performance out of sync.
Through it all, the performance was spectacular, the audience cheered endlessly for both IA and Wagakkiband.