Written by Jesus Figueroa
@ThisFunktional of ThisFunktional.com
The trailer for Danse Macabre’s horror film “Crone Wood, coming to Video On Demand and DVD February 1, shows a frightening story of a trip to the woods.
This horror film from Ireland seems like it will have many jump scares and dark scenes that would be great to watch in a dark room.
A young couple embark on a camping adventure in the countryside. They choose Crone Wood, an infamous spot with a history of witches and folklore. But as the darkness settles, strange noises start to be heard and mysterious lights are spotted between the trees. What starts out as a curiosity, quickly descends into a nightmare as they discover that the horrors of Crone Wood go far beyond local legend. Thrown into a world of cults and ritualistic murder, they quickly discover that pagan Ireland is alive and well.
“Crone Wood” includes cast members Elva Trill and Ed Murphy.
Coming To Video On Demand And DVD February 1